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Gold is money.
Everything else is fiat.





Gold performs well in times of crisis and now serves more than ever as a long-term store of value against inflationary fiat currencies. Gold has no default risk and carries no political risk.


Gold, as part of an investment portfolio, is usually held as a safe asset amounting to 5-20% of the allocated funds. Gold can also be held at lower cost as "paper gold" in the form of an ETF, but with no guarantee for physical delivery.


Physical gold does not earn interest and instead costs a storage fee of of 0.25% to 1% of the stored value.


With WORLDGOLD, physical gold can be staked for the first time and a staking fee can be earned.


Vaulting is handled by professional and certified vaults in different geographical locations, offering real-time asset tracking, verification, and flexible commissioning / decommissioning of staked gold bars. Furthermore, staking is also offered for gold bar backed NFTS from swissgold.io.


Gold staking is possible for gold holders of any size, such as:

– Private Investors
– Family Offices / Trusts
– Funds / Pension Funds
– Banks / Central Banks


If you are intrigued by the prospect of earning on your gold holdings, we invite you to reach out to our dedicated team.


Contact us: contact@worldgold.io





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